Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The second time Lucid dreaming

This time I was in a plain and right as I started to move around I remembered to count my fingers and that’s when I couldn’t. I don’t know why I couldn’t but all I knew was I was in a dream now. That’s when I noticed the people around me weren’t people in the plane there were monkeys dressed up like people. I got up to leave the plane when I heard a monkey say hey there. The first thing I thought of was if I’m dreaming right now then technically I’m talking to myself or is my mind talking to me I don’t know. The monkey started to say how he has a job already lined up for life but yet he doesn’t want to take it because all he really wants to do is be a monkey and live his life happily. His name was George. When we finally got done talking the plane doors opened all the monkeys started to rush out. George was the only one that stayed. We got off the plane and everybody in the airport was human again but George. And that’s when I woke up.... Was this dream just me talking to myself in my own mind.
  Is George really just me? I dont no...

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