Wednesday, October 24, 2012

With time there is always Life

There are many steps in life its like an escalator always going around. I have taken one of these steps I am not sad. I am not mad. For I am happy to take these steps of life. After I took this small step of life I walk down the road. I'll look at the leaves on the tree as a gust of wind goes by. I stand there breathing, watching, and observing every little thing like how the leaves fall from the top to the bottom of the tree. How there's the smell of fall in the air. How the most gentle breeze knocks off several leaves for this moment will be gone shortly. For I'll be gone shortly for time doesn't wait around for anyone. For my life is like a second to the universe's life. As I stand here breathing, watching, and observing this around me I take another big breath. Then it dies.. The leaves stop moving everything stops no wind... A second has gone by. Don't waste a second because your life could just be a second of a second.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Baghdad Burning post #2

I think... I think that she's a crazy strong woman. That has been throw a lot and she needs to become American or something. She's needs to get out of that contre. The challenges and the Freedoms that she doesn't have like freedom of speech, religion, rights, globalization. I dont know how she does it.
I wonder way... I wonder why she just doen't leave? She seems smart she can get a job somewhere else. Then I wonder why the people there are so crazy in the first place. Where they just rased rong? I dont know Im not over there I am just here.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

My Mind Runs

I am lost. I am here but I am not. What is here? I am lost in my mind. My mind is always going like a forever going windmill and I can’t stop the natural chemicals going on in my body. I’ll never be found I just want the answers to the test of life. But do I really want the answers? Do I really want to cheat life? All of the chemicals in my body that makes up every emotion I have and every feeling I have. Why can’t I control this? Its my body right I should be able to do that right? But my body is pre programmed to do this by itself. What if i had to think about every little thing I do down to the muscle contraction to the millions of nervous receptors in my body. I am just a living electrical system. I am like a battery. I am here but I am not. I am lost...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day By Day

    My day starts by my mom opening my bedroom door flicking on the light in the hallway. I tend to wake up about 2 minutes before she does this every day I could get up then but I wait to stay in the cocoon of warmness I have made over the cold night. I open my eyes as the light reflects off my retinas I slide to my left and put both of my feet on the floor. Then take a big stretch and then smile for my day has began. I hop in the shower for about 10 minutes. Then go off into the kitchen where my mom is sitting then I get me some kind of food. Brush my teeth and get on my way to school.
Turn on the heat in my car. My hands are freezing and my teeth are shivering as I wait for the heat. Then pop in my favorite CD “Cool Cats” turn it to song 12 and start to listen to On My Block by Scarface. I park my car 2 spots away from the the first handicap spot and lock my doors and start to head in side.
First hour is a study hall. I will work on my math in this class. I sometimes get lost in my mind in that class after I do my homework. I walking thru the halls with a smile bouncing my tennis ball giving high fives this is what i do in between every hour. My second hour is math. I love math this year I don’t know why but I just do. The thing I hate is the people in my class that don’t even try. Some of them wonder why there not passing when they sit there and zone out or sleep
Thread hour is english i like this class too. Ms Hafes she’s a good teacher I learn a lot from her. Like how to become a better write. Everyone in this class is different like Zach is always really random. Brian is always talks about dark stuff and he can be funny not going to lie. Mike is one of the smartest kids i know that knows about the government. Tippy does what she wants she lives life well. Jalen he’s a good friend I hope one day he will have his business Byrd Incorporated. And tommy I don't know him too well but I know that he like xbox games and thats cool.
Fourth hour my favorite math class Mr. Foster. He’s the best teacher in the world. A guy that has been around the world. I'll like to do that one day.
           Fifth hour is my Athletic training class and we always are doing something fun. Some of my best friends are in this class Kam, Axle, Ryan, and Zach. Sixth hour is gym class I watch film and weight lifting but that’s it.
           This is a little bit of my Day By Day life And don't forget to Smile for smiles make the world go round.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Its funny how the mind works all I do is think but yet I can’t use all of my brain?

Today on my way home in my car I talked to Ethan about how I want to grow old with someone. And how now days that doesn't happen. Why is that? Is it because now days no one thinks its that important and divorce is just the easy way out. After that we talked about how your brain can’t keep every little detail. And how in 20 years from now that this conversation won't even matter and how we wont even remember it. Before I dropped him off we went in to talking about how you need to live in the here and now not the future. If you live here and now you will have a better life and then you can live in the past because you did the things you love in the here and now...................................  Its a little sad that i need to write this stuff down just so i don’t forget this one day of my life.. or just to remember a 5 minute conversation,,,

The second time Lucid dreaming

This time I was in a plain and right as I started to move around I remembered to count my fingers and that’s when I couldn’t. I don’t know why I couldn’t but all I knew was I was in a dream now. That’s when I noticed the people around me weren’t people in the plane there were monkeys dressed up like people. I got up to leave the plane when I heard a monkey say hey there. The first thing I thought of was if I’m dreaming right now then technically I’m talking to myself or is my mind talking to me I don’t know. The monkey started to say how he has a job already lined up for life but yet he doesn’t want to take it because all he really wants to do is be a monkey and live his life happily. His name was George. When we finally got done talking the plane doors opened all the monkeys started to rush out. George was the only one that stayed. We got off the plane and everybody in the airport was human again but George. And that’s when I woke up.... Was this dream just me talking to myself in my own mind.
  Is George really just me? I dont no...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Baghdad Burning Post #1

Question 1
 Can you trust the narrator?
         I think I can she has a good trusting writing still.The things she says can't be made up and if they were then that person is mested up whoever he/she is. The detale she gives of the things she see is unmanageable. She has a vary good English back ground she lived all over and learned a lot and now is living back home in Iraq.

Question 2
 What are they doing?
         She tried to go back to her work with two body guards. When she went in it wasn't as nice like before the war. Everything had a sadness to it down to the shattered windos and even the new faces that were there. She was told to go home and stay home because the last woman that tried to be out side and work was killed. So she went home crying.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The first time I lucid dreamed

I was driving my car down the street in the middle of the winter. It started snowing more and more while I was driving. The people in the car was David, Ryan, and Jesse. I’m assuming we were going to Hunters or something because we were heading to his house from Chili’s. While I was driving the snow started to come down so hard where I couldn't even see anymore and i started to swerve and at that moment I started to realize that I ran off the road and was currently going down a steep ravine in my car. That’s how I knew I was in a dream . I thought i’m not this bad at driving. And suddenly I started to fly my car. It was great swerving in between mountains that was suddenly popped up.and how the sky was like a mere reflecting everything off of it. It was crazy to me. I’ve never seen something so detailed in a dream it felt so real. Then I woke up after flying around for what felt like 15 min. This was my first lucid dreaming attempt. Before I went to bed I was thinking about lucid dreaming and I believe that’s what helped.